Wednesday, October 20, 2010

apple pie... a la mode

Stephanie and I (yes, I actually helped cook. :p) made a homemade apple pie for dessert last night. It was phenominally good, although Steph said the crust was too crumbly. I thought the crust was (and is right now as I eat a piece after my lunch *wink*) very good. I'm proud of us. :)

This morning I got up, took a shower, ate some breakfast, took the dogs out, and then headed off to the library. We have an amazing, 7-story library just 7 blocks from our apartment. It's a lovely walk, and I thoroughly enjoyed it this morning because it was cool enough for just a long-sleeve shirt and the breeze was amazing. I spent a long time wandering around the library, since I don't know my way around yet. I spent a lonnnnng time in the photography section, and found some awesome books! I also got some cool books about the history of Colorado and stuff. I figured I ought to do some learning since I've got all this free time again.

I've had a rough past couple of days, but thankfully today has been much better. I was about ready to start walking home last night, just because I'm emotionally spent and I really miss, and need, the support of my friends. But, I'm still here, and the beauty of today made me very glad that I am. :)

This morning I had a really discussion with God on my walk to the library. We didn't talk about spiritual stuff, because we didn't have to. I just talked to Him about the people I passed, the sights I saw, and thanked Him for the wonderful breeze on my face. It was the first time I embraced just being friends with Him, instead of thinking everything has to be super spiritual. It was wonderful :)

So, if you ever come to Denver in the fall, stop by our apartment and we'll make you a delicious, slightly crumbly apple pie.

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