Wednesday, October 13, 2010

baby giraffes!

Today was an extraordinarily pleasant day. :) It was a free day at the Denver zoo, so Steph and I (Lindsey was working her first day at the hotel!) went right after lunch. I've been looking forward to it for like 2 weeks, so I was super excited. Obviously, there were like 2 million people there so we had to park really far away and we accidently walked clear all the way around the outside of the zoo before we found the entrance. :-p

IT was so much FUN! The exhibits are amazing, and the animals were so active and lively! (I guess animals in southern zoos are just too daggum hot. haha.) We got to see four tiger cubs, 3 baby giraffes (which, for those of you who know how insane I am about giraffes, totally made my day), and a sea lion show! The weather was amazing: sunny, cool, breezy. Ahhhh. :) I will definitely be frequenting that zoo every free day from now on. hehe.

The mountains are covered in snow today. It's quite possibly one of the most spectacular things I've ever seen! This weekend Lindsey's uncle will be here and we're going trail riding in Estes Park, so the views from there will be unbeliveable. I simply can't wait!

I am super excited about the weather soon being cold enough for me to wear my new coat. I shall post a picture of the first time I get to wear it, and ya'll will love it as much as I do! ;)

My time in TX was so much fun, and too short! I miss my nieces immensely. And my younger sisters even more! We were lucky enough to have a day and a half to hang out with Trent while he was off work, which was a real treat! We had a great time playing UNO and sixes. I thought about sticking Ellie in my suitcase before I left, but I'm pretty sure I'd get arrested, :-p

Anywayz.... It's back on the job hunt for me I suppose. I've applied to two office positions in the last couple days, so we'll see how that goes. I'm also looking into starting school part-time in January. Change, change, change... I think I'm getting kinda good at it. hehe.

The timer on the oven is beeping, which means my pizza is done! And my show starts in 23 minutes, so I better run!
peace out, Denveh.

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