Monday, September 20, 2010

The Mystery of the Elusive Watch

Once upon a time there was a girl, and this girl had a wrist watch. It was nothing special, just a black sports watch. However, this girl really liked this watch, and she wore it almost every day. Now one day, this girl decided to move to Colorado. She bought a plane ticket, packed her things, and said a tearful goodbye to her family. A few days after she arrived, the girl lost her watch unknowingly. Day after day she would hear it beeping somewhere on the hour, but countless attempts to find the watch all ended in nothing. She searched through her suitcases, her laptop bag, and under the bed... but still no watch. The girl sat down on her bed and the watch beeped from somewhere in the room.
"Daggum it!" she cried, "I am going to find that watch no matter what!!"
She rushed out of the room, turned on her laptop and opened the file that held her pictures.
"If I really did bring the watch with me when I moved, then I'll be wearing it in one of these pictures..." She mumbled as she searched and searched. Finally, she opened up a picture and there it was, the black watch on her wrist! Now, that in fact proves that the watch did come to Colorado with the girl. So, somewhere in the bedroom of the girl who moved to Colorado, the black sports watch hides, taunting those who try to find it with it's hourly beep.......

Stay tuned for the conclusion of this ridiculous, but true story... as the girl who moved to Colorado finds the watch!!!

*dah dah doooooommmm*

Saturday, September 18, 2010

changing lights

It is very quiet here this morning. I suppose since it's a Saturday every person who would normally be up and bustling around at this time, is still nestled in bed. I, however, am wide awake and enjoying the cool air on my face as I sit on the patio. I love coming out here in the mornings and just watching. This morning there isn't much to watch besides the traffic light changing every couple of minutes and only the occasional car flying through the intersection.

A bright blue van just drove by with decorative flames covering the entire front half of the vehicle. The two colors rather clashed against each other in my opinion.

It's a rare cloudy day in Denver this morning. I don't remember more then 3 or 4 cloudy days ever since I moved here. I actually find it a treat to wake up and find out that it's cloudy. hehe. I do miss all the thunderstorms in GA. The clouds here are much different then the ones in Georgia... they have more character. No, seriously. It must be because of the mountains or something, but the clouds here are much fluffier. We rarely get those GA type overcast days where it's just an ugly blanket of white. They're much more defined here. I like it a lot :)

Last night I gravely missed my darling Traci. I would have given anything to be curled up on her couch talking, or throwing popcorn at each other, or playing wii. Heck, I would love to just clean the kitchen with her. hehe. This move has been an excellent thing for me, but I desperately miss my friends back home.

Oh! I just thought I should let ya'll know that I am changing my hair yet again. I'm just not digging this extreme red color... I don't think I'm punk enough or something. Whatever the reason is, I've decided to go back to brown. I think it suits my personality better. haha.

I do believe I'll go make myself some breakfast and then maybe take Corin down to the park for a spell. This cold weather has me in a mood to be active. :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Thank you Armani

for putting that amazing song on your commercial. I am in love.
If I could, I would force everyone to listen to this song. It's short, but almost life changing in a way. It makes me feel like I could do anything. It makes me feel like I could fall in love. It makes me want to live life with reckless abandon.

Music makes me feel like no one or no other thing on this planet makes me feel. It gives me freedom. Freedom. There are no walls when I've got music playing. It gives me wings... which is my heart's greatest desire.

I want to play the piano again. I need to be able to make my own freedom. Freedom that comes from the depths of my soul, instead of someone else's.

Mmmm, this song is like a sky full of shooting stars.... magic.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


after much thought (like, seriously, a ton...), I have decided to wait on the apartment for a while. I have the money to start up an apartment, but no money for 2nd month's rent, food, decor, etc. I probably could have scraped by, but I feel like it is much wiser to just stay here with Steph and Linds while I settle into my new job and earn some real money. It seems a much less stressful route to take. hehe.

I hate not being able to have a cat for so long though! *sad face* But atleast these girls have two of the sweetest dogs ever. Corin and I have bonded lately over our daily walks or bike rides. :)

Tomorrow both Stephanie and Lindsey will be working all day, so I shall be a very lonely girl. Hopefully I'll find something fun to do though, like walk down to the library or something! However, I am desperately looking forward to starting my job...

Today Lindsey and I played Indiana Jones - Lego version for like 8 hours on the playstation. Not even kidding. I have never in my life played on a playstation that long. haha. It was really fun though, and although my eyes are burning like a mother tonight, I wouldn't have traded today. :)

Oh, and Steph got to come home from work for lunch, which was grand! She's only been working for 4 days, but I feel like I haven't eaten lunch with her in ages. Oh dear.... am I getting attached??? lol.

I'm quite tired, I got up at 7:15 this morning because I went to bed so early last night. Speaking of last night! Survivor started! *does a happy jig* I think it's going to be another interesting season....

In a little over a week I'll be seeing my family!! OH MY GOSH!! I simply can't wait :)

G'night Denver, my sweet.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Apartment 32

could possibly be the address of my new home. For a while, anyway. It's not my dream apartment, but I think I can do some cute things with it... and for the price, it's fab!
I'll find out tomorrow, I believe.

Today I felt like an adult for possibly the first time. I did things all by myself that I never in a million years would have done 6 months ago. Maybe not even 2 months ago. I navigated myself on a bike to Steph's work, threw the bike in the back of the car, drove to Petsmart, got the papers for the pre-employment drug test, found my way to the clinic to get the drug-test (which was in a hospital), took the drug-test, and found my way all the way home! Then I called up an apartment, and went to look at it all by myself... and now I think it's going to be my place! hehe. I don't think I've ever felt this accomplished.

I can't believe how far I've come in the last two months. I've moved myself out here, found a job, and now I'm finding myself an apartment. This brings a smile to my face. :)

Today, I also managed to take both dogs for a walk, took my vitamins, did my hip exercises, drank tons of water, and only got a little bit of head ache this evening!

Anyway, enough about that. But, it's been a good day. :)
I just watched Juno, which I think is one of my favorite movies. It also makes me smile.

Tomorrow I get to go downtown and fill out paper work at the hotel. Fun, fun, fun.

Out, Denveh.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

no comment.

that is what I would say to someone if they asked me how I'm feeling right now.

my eveing has been an inner turmoil of anger and blankness.

anger at no particular thing. which, in itself, is extremely angering.

and blankness at everything else.

my head hurts so bad that I'd rather go for having no head at all, would it save me from this agony. and what's worse? these headaches are a regularly occuring nightly thing.


can I vomit now?

sleep, please come quickly to me tonight... for I so gravely need your solice.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Phineas and Ferb

Oh Phineas and Ferb, how I love you so. You make me laugh out loud, whenever I watch your show.
*singing* "so stick with us 'cause Phineas and Ferb are gonna do it alllllll!!" "Mom!! Phineas and Ferb are making a title sequence!!"

Steph has an interview today for a nanny job! I think she will make the best nanny this side of the Mississippi. She has such a way with kids :)

I'm getting my hair cut today! It's getting much too shaggy, and thanks to a coupon from Steph I get it for only $10 bucks!

Thanks to a wonderful friend, I am going to be able to get my own apartment! We think we've found the perfect one, about 5 blocks from Steph and Lindsey, but still looking around before making a final decision. I really like this one though... the building is wonderfully kept up, the onsite manager is really friendly and professional, and the place is so clean! :) I love clean.

Lindsey is going home to visit her family this weekend, and I'm so excited for her! I'm also excited about having a whole weekend of just Steph and I. :) We're going to a bird festival on Sat., which I'm royally psyched about!! I think it will be a grand weekend for all three of us, even though we'll be half a continent apart.

Here's a few pics from our Labor day picnic on Monday. *wink*

Friday, September 3, 2010


is the color I dyed my hair last night. :) It's a very slight change in color, but I'm really happy with it for now!

I haven't had the chance, ok, I haven't had the desire to blog lately. But, I've got some free time on my hands this wonderful afternoon and so I figured I ought to take the time to type a few things out. hehe.

Lately things have been going really well around here! After a much needed communication breech between the three of us, we're all getting along much better. I would like to apologize for the negative way in which I painted Steph and Lindsey's lifestyle. I greatly respect the way they do life, and I am eternally grateful to them for opening up their home to me. I really needed this, and they provided exactly that at the perfect time. It's not always easy, but I'm learning that you have to communicate in order for things to work together for good. :) I do love living here in this amazing city with two of my very best friends.

The three of us have been hot on the apartment look out this week. We're trying to find a little studio for me here in the Capitol Hill neighborhood so I can be close to the girls and downtown. I'm really enjoying looking at different places, seeing what I could do with the spaces, etc. This is the first time I've ever done something like this, so it's a great adventure for me! :)

I can't wait for mom, Val, and Leen to come out for a visit! They'll be here in a little over 3 weeks, which is so exciting! This is such a wonderful city and I know they're going to love it and I can't wait to show it to them!

Steph and I discovered that during the colder months the zoo offers 2 free days a month! I'm super excited about that! :) We also found out today that Sept. 25 is free museum day, so we'll definitely be taking advantage of that too. It's so nice to live in a city with so much culture and so many things to do!

I was thinking about posting some pics of the things we've been doing the past couple of days, but most of you have me as a friend on facebook and can just look on there, which is a lot easier. hehe.

Tonight we're going to have a movie night if I'm correct, which should be fun! I love how just a bit of communication solved so many issues. Thanks whoever thought of that. :)

a little shout out to Lindsey and Steph: I love you both and I'm so thankful for the sacrifices you've made for me :)