Friday, September 3, 2010


is the color I dyed my hair last night. :) It's a very slight change in color, but I'm really happy with it for now!

I haven't had the chance, ok, I haven't had the desire to blog lately. But, I've got some free time on my hands this wonderful afternoon and so I figured I ought to take the time to type a few things out. hehe.

Lately things have been going really well around here! After a much needed communication breech between the three of us, we're all getting along much better. I would like to apologize for the negative way in which I painted Steph and Lindsey's lifestyle. I greatly respect the way they do life, and I am eternally grateful to them for opening up their home to me. I really needed this, and they provided exactly that at the perfect time. It's not always easy, but I'm learning that you have to communicate in order for things to work together for good. :) I do love living here in this amazing city with two of my very best friends.

The three of us have been hot on the apartment look out this week. We're trying to find a little studio for me here in the Capitol Hill neighborhood so I can be close to the girls and downtown. I'm really enjoying looking at different places, seeing what I could do with the spaces, etc. This is the first time I've ever done something like this, so it's a great adventure for me! :)

I can't wait for mom, Val, and Leen to come out for a visit! They'll be here in a little over 3 weeks, which is so exciting! This is such a wonderful city and I know they're going to love it and I can't wait to show it to them!

Steph and I discovered that during the colder months the zoo offers 2 free days a month! I'm super excited about that! :) We also found out today that Sept. 25 is free museum day, so we'll definitely be taking advantage of that too. It's so nice to live in a city with so much culture and so many things to do!

I was thinking about posting some pics of the things we've been doing the past couple of days, but most of you have me as a friend on facebook and can just look on there, which is a lot easier. hehe.

Tonight we're going to have a movie night if I'm correct, which should be fun! I love how just a bit of communication solved so many issues. Thanks whoever thought of that. :)

a little shout out to Lindsey and Steph: I love you both and I'm so thankful for the sacrifices you've made for me :)

1 comment:

  1. :D I love you!! I'm so glad you're here!!!! Kerouc here we come! Hopefully...I don't even think we should look anymore!
