Monday, September 13, 2010

Apartment 32

could possibly be the address of my new home. For a while, anyway. It's not my dream apartment, but I think I can do some cute things with it... and for the price, it's fab!
I'll find out tomorrow, I believe.

Today I felt like an adult for possibly the first time. I did things all by myself that I never in a million years would have done 6 months ago. Maybe not even 2 months ago. I navigated myself on a bike to Steph's work, threw the bike in the back of the car, drove to Petsmart, got the papers for the pre-employment drug test, found my way to the clinic to get the drug-test (which was in a hospital), took the drug-test, and found my way all the way home! Then I called up an apartment, and went to look at it all by myself... and now I think it's going to be my place! hehe. I don't think I've ever felt this accomplished.

I can't believe how far I've come in the last two months. I've moved myself out here, found a job, and now I'm finding myself an apartment. This brings a smile to my face. :)

Today, I also managed to take both dogs for a walk, took my vitamins, did my hip exercises, drank tons of water, and only got a little bit of head ache this evening!

Anyway, enough about that. But, it's been a good day. :)
I just watched Juno, which I think is one of my favorite movies. It also makes me smile.

Tomorrow I get to go downtown and fill out paper work at the hotel. Fun, fun, fun.

Out, Denveh.

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