Saturday, September 18, 2010

changing lights

It is very quiet here this morning. I suppose since it's a Saturday every person who would normally be up and bustling around at this time, is still nestled in bed. I, however, am wide awake and enjoying the cool air on my face as I sit on the patio. I love coming out here in the mornings and just watching. This morning there isn't much to watch besides the traffic light changing every couple of minutes and only the occasional car flying through the intersection.

A bright blue van just drove by with decorative flames covering the entire front half of the vehicle. The two colors rather clashed against each other in my opinion.

It's a rare cloudy day in Denver this morning. I don't remember more then 3 or 4 cloudy days ever since I moved here. I actually find it a treat to wake up and find out that it's cloudy. hehe. I do miss all the thunderstorms in GA. The clouds here are much different then the ones in Georgia... they have more character. No, seriously. It must be because of the mountains or something, but the clouds here are much fluffier. We rarely get those GA type overcast days where it's just an ugly blanket of white. They're much more defined here. I like it a lot :)

Last night I gravely missed my darling Traci. I would have given anything to be curled up on her couch talking, or throwing popcorn at each other, or playing wii. Heck, I would love to just clean the kitchen with her. hehe. This move has been an excellent thing for me, but I desperately miss my friends back home.

Oh! I just thought I should let ya'll know that I am changing my hair yet again. I'm just not digging this extreme red color... I don't think I'm punk enough or something. Whatever the reason is, I've decided to go back to brown. I think it suits my personality better. haha.

I do believe I'll go make myself some breakfast and then maybe take Corin down to the park for a spell. This cold weather has me in a mood to be active. :)

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