Thursday, August 26, 2010

Piles and piles

of dishes. that's what I had to deal with this morning. lol. It took me forevvvvvver! I couldn't even find the stupid fauctet at first because the sink was so full of dishes. But, of course, the kitchen now looks fabulous. ;)

My 2nd interview at the hotel is today! Steph and I are going to take the bus down there, and I'm pretty excited! I spent a good hour or so this morning researching the company, ways to ace an interview, etc. I think I'm pretty well prepared!

Yesterday I walked down 7th St. again, with Corin. We walked a long ways this time, and I got really tired. I did take a few pictures though, to share with you guys. :) They aren't fabulous pics or anything; they're just trying to show some of the homes around here.

It was a great any way, even though I got blisters on the bottom of my feet from my stupid sneakers. I really need some new shoes. lol.
I'll post tonight what I find out about the job!


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