Thursday, August 12, 2010

dog dental care

of which Bo is in dire need. hehe.

Had a lovely chat with my dear Traci last night... it's amazing how quickly 70 minutes flies by when one is having fun. :) would've kept talking half the night had my mouth not been hurting so much.

speaking of half the night... that's how long I was awake last night. I had a large mocha frappe from McDonald's not long before dinner and it kept me awake until the wee hours of the morning. I went to bed around 10:30, but woke up every half hour or so until 2:30 when I was so wide awake that I got up. I went and got some water, talked to Steph (who never sleeps. hehe) and then went back to bed... where I got to lay, wide awake, until after 4. GRRRRRRR, it was suuuuper annoying. Mind you, I won't be having coffee again soon.

Not much on the agenda today, which means I'll probably walk down to the park at some point. It is a lovely day. Lindsey is at work, and then has a meeting with some lady at 2:30.

Tomorrow, I've got my second interview at the vet's office! I sooooo hope this job will work out, it's exactly what I've been looking for! And the people who work there are so nice; and all girls. Oh how nice it would be to work with all girls. :)

I do think I shall go read some more Harry Potter 3. Or, since Steph just turned it on, watch some tv. hehe.

This whole relaxing thing is nice, but I really, really, really need a job. I'm all relaxed out!

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