Thursday, August 5, 2010

Turn right at Orion

A book I'm reading right now. I'm only into the 2nd chapter, and it's unlike any book I've ever read, but I do think I shall enjoy it.

A friend suggested to me that I start a blog. A chronicle, if you will, of my daily life. I thought 'Hey, that's a pretty decent idea', since my life has changed so drastically in the past month or so. I will attempt to convey my many thoughts, my greatest desires... and who knows, maybe a glimpse into the deep chasm of my heart.

Life in Denver is very unlike any life I've lived up until this time. I can wake up in the morning, go outside onto the patio and see a city stretching before me. The sound of the cars rushing by, horns honking and music playing, is like music to my ears. I love the ability to walk just about anywhere. "Why yes, I do believe I will walk a few blocks down to the 7 story library."

It is, however, not all glam and glitz. I have a hard time sleeping at night. This apartment is always so friggin' cold. And one of my darling roommates is very often angry at our two sweet dogs. haha. But, when has life ever been all great? Never in my case. I'm learning to be ok with being cold. I'm learning how to keep quiet when I'd like to spout off, and how to avoid conflict where I used to look for it intentionally. Trials, in my opinion, are always there to make one stronger... and I for one and quite thankful for them. Doesn't mean I smile when I'm upset, or thank God for a bad day, but it does seem to make the load lighter.

It is very hard being parted from my two younger sisters though. They have expressed that they are having a very hard time getting along since I've left. Which, to no surprise, greatly saddens me. I suppose this is a just a trial put in their lives to help them learn as well. I just hope they figure that out before it's too late.

Well, it seems to be about time for me to wrap this post up. Not like a Christmas present, which you can only unwrap once... but more like a scroll, which just begs to be reopened. I do believe I shall bless my tummy with a little lunch and then head out into this beautiful city with my darling Stephanie.

I hope this blog finds you well, whoever you are, and don't forget that trials always end at some point.

1 comment:

  1. YAY for your blog! Wait til winter to really feel the cold! Brrrr.... you could come to NY its just as cold here (i think). We dread it. We are definitely warm weather people. Keep blogging.
