Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Great Rift

Wow, I just finished watching an amazing tv special about Africa's Great Rift. The video footage, the scenery, and all the spectacular species of wildlife. So incredible! I've heard of the Great Rift, and seen some things about it, but this was by far one of the coolest things I've ever seen. I think seeing Victoria Falls and Mount Kilimanjaro are now on the top of my list of things to do before I die. It was just really cool to see the extreme variety of creatures that God has created, and how He specially adapted each one to live exactly where He placed it. Like, a chameleon that is specially formed to live in really cold temperatures at extreme elevation. How can people think a big bang did all that!!?? I mean, it goes from plains like the Serengeti to Mount Kenya, which is 3 miles high.... from freshwater lakes miles deep, to 145 degree lakes almost as salty as the dead sea. Amazing!

Anyhoo, I'm really glad I got to witness it, and I think it's awesome that people take the time to film things like that for people who can't go there themselves.

I actually had a pretty good day today. *smile* Worked out again, did my hip exercises, and took my vitamins. hehe. I also got to Skype with Traci, and then spur of the moment got to Skype with Val and Kayleen! That definitely made my day. How thankful I am for technology! I would have loved to be back in the civil war days, or Jane Austen's time, but it sure would have been lonelier!

Stephanie starts school tomorrow, so mornings are about to get quieter and lonelier. ha. She's really nervous, but I know she'll do just fine. She's the kind of person everyone wants to get to know. :) I know I sure love knowing her.

I am tired. Tired of being emotionally tired... which is pretty constant when you live here. haha. I can't emphasis enough just how hard it is to be away from my family. I'm a momma's girl, ok? haha. I've grown up in a big family, and frankly I want to stay with my big family. I just want to be where they are. If I could, I would buy a huge plot of land and move my whole family there so we could all live together, but still have our own spaces. Doesn't that just sound wonderful? :)

I've taken inspiration from Steph's blog, and I'm also going to start uploading more pictures with my blogs. I think it helps one feel like they know what's going on if there are visuals. And well, we all know how much I love taking pictures. :) I think tomorrow I'm going to go out walking and find some interesting and beautiful photo opts. I may just sit down in a public place and watch people.... who knows. I'm completely as my leisure these days... which I'm not sure if I like or not. haha.

That does give me an idea though: to start compiling a photo portfolio. To take all this spare time I have and turn it into something productive. Denver is a big place, I just have to go out and explore! (Now granted, it's not as fun or as easy when you are doing it alone, but seeing as I don't have a choice... looks like I'll be getting used to it!) I'm also going to go to the library and get out a piano book, so I can begin teaching myself to replay on the girls' keyboard. I'm kinda excited about that! I figure, I need to do something with all this time and energy I have... and sitting around thinking about how unhappy I am doesn't exactly count.

I'm not gonna lie, I'd rather be back in Chatsworth. I'd rather be back where everything is familiar, where I can go see a friend whenever I want, where I can drive down roads I know will get me to where I want to go. But, life is supposed to be an adventure, right? And seeing as I've gotten myself into this 'adventure' of my own free will, I feel the need to stick it out a little longer. I think the more things I find to do, that will get me out of this apartment, the better it's going to get.

So here's to the start of my adventure. I know it's a little late, seeing as I've been here a month, but it's taken me a while. I watched a movie the other day about a girl who never finished anything, and I don't want to be like that. I want to be like the girl once she got to the end of the movie: completing things she set out to do, and feeling all the more better for it.

Now, if I can just find a job to fund my adventures, and a good man to share them with.

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